Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Birthday, Barbarella

Jane Fonda turns....... wait for it..............74 years [ ! ] young tomorrow. She is an incredible woman who has had a fascinating life. An almost chameleon-like performer who has gone from sex kitten, Vietnam war protestor [ something her critics won't let go of ] serious, Oscar winning [ twice ] actress, exercise queen, trophy wife, author, well I think you get the picture. She is someone that cannot be pigeon-holed. And her recent cosmetic work is amazing. The only senior I can think of who looks as good would be Sophia [ 3 years Jane's senior ]. So Happy Birthday, Barbarella! I think you're amazing!!!!

P.S I would have tried to find something from YouTube that was more er, appropriate, but what the hell.


  1. I agree with your sentiment about Jane. I enjoyed her early stuff - "Barefoot in the Park" is classic! And don't even ask me how long it took me to shake off "Coming Home" after we saw it, skipping Frakes' class to go to the movie. The only thing I wish she'd done is better movies after she returned to film, post-Ted. Compared to Vanessa Redgrave and many others, the work Jane has done in film over the past 10 years or so (albeit pretty limited) has been crap. And she's worth better than that. And she's a better actress than the work she's done. Lower billing than J-Lo? Puh-leeze!

  2. Jane's peak was 1969-1981. Since then with, with a couple of exceptions, her films have been less than stellar. I think she is or recently was on B'Way. Did you hear anything about that??
