Sunday, July 7, 2013

Superman : Man Of Mush

Saw the latest entry in the movie superhero sweepstakes last weekend Warner's Man of Steel, in 2D. I have to confess that by the film's end, I was underwhelmed. Like I had a bad case of Kryptonite stuck under my theater seat, as the movie progressed I found my attention drifting and, at times, my eyes having trouble staying open. The movie is essentially another retelling of the Superman legend, starting on the planet Krypton and his father Jor-El { played by an adequate Russell Crowe } and the issues revolving around Jor-El and General Zod { Michael Shannon } which sets up the entire plot of why Zod seeks his revenge on Superman. This movie was not a total wash-out for me, I thought the first half or so decent enough { though I am weary of replaying ,"Superman: The Early Years" } with ok turns by Kevin Costner and Diane Lane as Ma & Pa Kent, Costner looking particularly aged and craggy { make-up? Doubtful } and Diane Lane in what I believe to be her first character role as Ma { make-up? Absolutely! } Henry Cavill as Superman/Kal-El/Clark Kent is a good enough Man of Steel, bringing a nice touch of uncertainty and confusion to the role to make him believable and sympathetic. As Lois Lane, Amy Adams is one of the films best assets. 
Amy Adams' capable, cute and curvy as Lois Lane.
Lois Lane cannot be an easy part to play { are any of them? }. We have all, to one extent or another, grown up knowing what her character should be, how she should behave and what our visual image is of her. Since the first Superman comic book was published in 1938 to Kate Bosworth's anorexic Lois in 2006's Superman Returns, there have been as many Lois' as there have been Superman's. Neither she nor the films makers had Adams do the helpless-girlfriend bit { like the 1978 version did }, instead they made her a believable heroine for Cavill's superhero to fall for.
In the comic books, this is the Lois I grew up with. From sometime in the 60's
One thing I didn't expect was Daily Planet's editor in chief Perry White { Laurence Fishburne } to have a diamond stud in his ear. I wasn't expecting the cigar-chomping, gruff-but-with-a-heart-of-gold kind of guy, but did the makers have to give him that earring? He is not suppose to be Perry Lavender! Though I can appreciate the updates and changes that have part of the trend in this type of film, I also like a bit of the traditional thrown in as well. And where was Jimmy Olson? I guess they were saving him for for part 2 ;  Superman : Man Of Aluminum.
Then there is Michael Shannon as General Zod. Shannon may be a very good actor, but he is one I find particularly annoying. While I confess to have seen him in a scant number of movies, when I do, he bugs. There are not too many performers I feel this way about, but I have yet to admire either him or his performance in anything he has done. Shannon also failed to capture Zod's threatening menace and danger. Just a paycheck movie, I guess.
 One of the most annoying visuals in the film is the blatant product placement of various businesses such as Sears, 7-11 and IHOP. No doubt Warners and the various company's worked hard to make sure their product was prominately displayed on screen. Consequently this became a distraction. The last hour or so of Man of Steel is a big, prolonged fight scene between Superman and his Krypton enemies, with punches thrown, various vehicles and buildings blowing up. This is where the film really lost me. It went on forever, was too loud and became quite obnoxious; after the first 30 minutes of the nearly 60 minute finale { I didn't time it but, you know } I couldn't wait for the movie to end. Mercifully it finally does end, with Clark/Superman starting his first day at the Daily Planet. Seems the makers will start the sequel with Clark working for the publication and I would presume, advancing the Clark/Lois love story, intro to Jimmy Olson, maybe Lex Luthor, too. Man of Steel is too long by half, save your hard earned money folks and try to find a decent movie to go and pluck down your $10 on. Like, uh, like, ......hmm.......sorry, it's summertime and I forgot everyone is expected to leave his or her brain at the door, until autumn, before entering the theater.

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