Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Christmas wish list
Ok so I know alot of movies suck this time of year but not nearly as much as the one's that get major play dates during the summertime.I could give a rat's-ass about Sheerluck 2 or Impossible 4 or Alvins skunks. I saw 2/3 of Girl With The Dragon Tattoo last night. It really had me going, was about 2 hrs into the movie when the bloody film broke and we had to call it a night. F@@k I was pissed. But the theater did give us our money back AND 2 passes for other movies.So that was ok. I will have to go back for the Dragon Tattoo cause I really liked what I saw, tho it was a highly disturbing film [ rapes, dead cats, etc ] So the movies I want to see, which haven't even reached my neck of the woods or just haven't been released yet are: Cronenberg's A Dangerous Method, Shame, Von Trier's Melancholia, The Artist, Payne's The Descendants, Scorsese's Hugo [ which along with the Payne film is in town ] Polanski's Carnage, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier,Spy. Most of these are not fun films or easy to take but when it comes to film I like a challenge more often that not. Adventures of RinTinTin or whatever the f@@k it is called or WhoreHorse. Are these things people want to see? Why is it that American film goers [ I know I am making generalizations here but check the latest box office figures ] only go see shit? Why was that crap that Hugh Jackman was in a couple months ago a hit at the B.O? It's depressing and the dumbing down keeps getting worse every year. Nicolas Cage in Ghost Warrior 2. Christ, I didn't know the first one was such a hit it warranted a sequel. Why do another?? This has been a rant by a disgruntled moviegoer who loves movies but can't get worked up over the latest CGI-fest. So my wish this Christmas is this: please Hollywood, stop the madness!
What a snob you are! Both films you castigate are Spielberg films, so they really aren't just piles of steaming crap, as you assume. Tintin is Belgian, initially published in 1920s/30s and enormously popular in Europe. "War Horse" about young man and his horse amidst the carnage of World War I. Please tell me what makes either of those (based on subject matter) crap? It's not like they're "Hangover II"!!
ReplyDeleteWhen I think if the films that bring in piles of money and I see it's prepubescent drivel, or post-adolescent jack off "comedies" I find the above mentioned films rather a relief by comparison.
Seems to me that you may have participated in some of that sh*t, as you refer to it. And yeah - you have made some gross generalizations here. That is your right, it's your blog, after all, but perhaps a bit more discretion when lumping current b.o. hits may be in order.
Your loving sister.
While I am not impressed by "Tintin" and the excessive use of CGI, I do have to say that I appreciate that Spielberg made both this "technologically advanced" movie at the same time he employed old-fashioned moviemaking techniques like shooting on film for "War Horse." I saw "War Horse," and I have to tell you that I think you'd be impressed by the threads of all kinds of classic movies that are woven through it. I saw everything from early John Ford to "National Velvet" to (and this is an odd one) "Ryan's Daughter." To me, there are few things more rewarding when seeing a new movie than recognizing its pedigree (see what I did there?) while still being entertained by its originality.